Anyone But You

Anyone But You (2023)

R 104 min - Comedy, Romance - 21 December 2023
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After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.

Director:  Will Gluck



After an amazing first date, Bea and Ben’s fiery attraction turns ice cold — until they find themselves unexpectedly reunited at a destination wedding in Australia. So they do what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.

Tagline: They only look like the perfect couple.

Genres: Comedy, Romance


Official Website:
Language:  English
Release Date:  21 December 2023

Box Office

Budget:  $25,000,000
Revenue:  $100,221,578

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 44 min

It’s Not Enough That Sydney Sweeney & Glen Powell Look Gorgeous In This New Rom-Com!
The romantic comedy genre is making a comeback on screen with Anyone But You, but regrettably, the film doesn’t accomplish anything novel to merit this chance.

Romantic comedies used to be the most popular genre in theaters; they were so inexpensive to produce that studios turned to them instead of horror films in order to turn a rapid profit. But the genre went straight digital with the advent of streaming platforms, so it’s strange to see films like this in cinemas these days. The film that aims to revive the genre on the big screen is Anyone But You.


Numerous new romantic comedies are launched on these platforms each year, but they quickly lose their audience’s interest. Regretfully, Anyone But You may not be the genre savior everyone has been waiting for. It is extremely unfortunate that an entire genre has been brought down to such low standards.

Anyone But You needs to be trying something different to win the role of savior and bring rom-coms back to theaters. This is because theaters have recently evolved into special movie-watching venues, so you should be doing something that will show people that rom-coms are worth more than they previously realized. Rather than doing any of it, Anyone But You only employs the same tired clichés that have dogged the genre for years.

Although the film chooses to follow the American Pie school of humor, there are still plenty of raucous moments and sultry sequences featuring our stunning leads. However, having such a gorgeous couple is insufficient. A romantic comedy needs to be more than just humorous; it also needs to be poignant and take the plot beyond the tried-and-true formula that has been in use for decades.

When you start viewing Anyone But You, you already know how it ends. While some viewers find solace in this, others think that the lack of any kind of surprise or sense of discovery makes the film as uninteresting as it gets. The character development is not poor, but it is essential to take these people’s personalities into account rather than treating them as walking concepts.

But when it comes to the supporting cast, the majority of the character development is conspicuously lacking. Numerous outstanding romantic comedies feature a group of supporting characters who end up becoming audience favorites due to their coolness, helpfulness, or sheer cuteness. Anybody However, it’s unfortunate that you don’t have that kind of supporting cast because Alexandra Shipp, who is incredibly gifted, deserves much better on television.

Image from the movie "Anyone But You"
© 2023 Olive Bridge Entertainment − All right reserved.


Boston University law student Bea runs across Ben, a Goldman Sachs employee, while attempting to get a toilet key at a coffee shop. The two hit it off right away and spend the rest of the day together before falling asleep on Ben’s couch. She heads away without waking him in the morning, but changes her mind and comes back to the flat, where she hears him making fun of her in front of his friend Pete.

After a six-month separation, Bea and Ben rekindle their romance after Bea’s sister Halle starts dating Pete’s sister Claudia. The two have a chilly relationship and accuse one another of ruining their date. Later on, Halle and Claudia become engaged and decide to get married in Sydney. Bea is shocked to learn that Ben is not only traveling to Australia on the same aircraft as her, but also that she has quietly dropped out of law school after breaking up with her fiancé Jonathan. but that in the days preceding the wedding, they would both be lodging at Pete and Claudia’s parents’ home. The arrival of Jonathan and Ben’s ex-girlfriend Margaret exacerbates the other guests’ frustration with Bea and Ben’s contempt for one another.

Image from the movie "Anyone But You"
© 2023 Olive Bridge Entertainment − All right reserved.

To make sure the wedding goes off without a hitch, the other guests come up with a scheme to bring Bea and Ben together as Bea’s parents try to force her to make amends with Jonathan. As soon as Bea realizes that the plan is a scam, she strikes a bargain with Ben to pretend that they are together in order to appease Margaret and put an end to her parents’ pressure for her to reconcile with Jonathan. The relationship isn’t successful at first, but then there’s a boat party when Bea and Ben dance together and act out a scene from Titanic. It culminates with Bea plummeting into Sydney Harbor. Ben follows Bea in jumping in, and as they wait for help on a buoy, they talk. They arrange a date to see the Sydney Opera House after she informs him that she has decided to drop out of law school. After returning home, they engage in sexual activity, but Ben is let down when Bea casually implies that her recent behavior was all an error. Bea gets discouraged when he disappears during the night.

Margaret asks Bea for permission to pursue a romantic relationship with Ben on the morning of the wedding. Bea agrees, saying that her involvement with him was really incidental. Ben subtly informs Bea’s parents—who feel betrayed—that she has surreptitiously dropped out of law school during a chat with Pete. Ben persuades Bea to pretend to get back together for the wedding when he overhears her and Halle fighting. The wedding proceeds without a hitch, but she leaves the reception crying after witnessing Margaret kiss Ben. She then heads to the Opera House. Ben, on the other hand, rejects Margaret and claims he is no longer in love with her since he was mistakenly fixated on a memory. He leaps into Sydney Harbor once more when the wedding party persuades him to pursue Bea, and he manages to talk the rescue chopper into taking him to the Opera House.

Image from the movie "Anyone But You"
© 2023 Olive Bridge Entertainment − All right reserved.

Ben tells Bea he’s sorry and that he thought their connection might turn into something else he would regret leaving. After they make up and enter the reception together, Halle and Claudia disclose that their quarrel was just another ploy to get Bea and Ben closer. Margaret and Jonathan get together in the interim.


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